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Mon 31st March, Tues 1st & Wed 2nd April OPENING HOURS 9.30AM to 2PM (Thurs 3rd April normal hours - 9.30AM to 1PM)
Opening Hours - 31/03, 01/04 & 02/04 9.30am to 2pm


The Green Cupboard's journey started on the 21st December 2019, the first day our doors opened and now a well established business running for over 3 years! Our idea behind the shop was how we could limit our impact on the environment and to make this achievable to the people and community around us.

Run by two sisters - Gemma Collins and Jodie London. We are passionate in keeping our prices affordable and regularly check our prices against supermarkets.

We offer a large range of refillable whole-foods from dried fruit, pasta, nuts, herbs and spices plus refillable home and body-care products produced in the UK. We offer a wide range of plastic free alternatives to everyday household items and a range of foodie products made locally.

We wish to eliminate, where possible, as much unnecessary packaging as we can. That's why bringing in your own containers for us to refill, reduces packaging and food waste by purchasing just the amount you require. As well as working with companies that use alternatives to single-use-plastic, like home compostable and recyclable packaging.

We source many products from UK producers, many within our surrounding Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk like, Hodmedods, Fen Farm, Twenty Nine Degrees Chocolatiers, Marsh Pig and Bee Natural Waxmelts to name just a few!

We like to offer as much support and advice to our customers as we can regarding the products we sell and we are constantly researching and adding new products to our shop.

Little changes in our lives can count for a lot and be the first steps to reducing our impact on the environment :)